Knee Conditions

Knee Conditions We Treat

Dr. Babatunde specializes in a comprehensive array of knee conditions. From sports injuries to degenerative disorders, he offers personalized care. His advanced treatments, including minimally invasive procedures, are tailored to restore mobility and improve your quality of life. Your knees are in capable hands with Dr. Babatunde.

Knee Arthritis

Knee arthritis, a condition characterized by the erosion of cartilage surrounding the knee joint, poses significant discomfort and the potential for lasting joint and bone damage.

Knee Arthritis

Knee arthritis, a condition characterized by the erosion of cartilage surrounding the knee joint, poses significant discomfort and the potential for lasting joint and bone damage.
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ACL Tears

An ACL tear, or anterior cruciate ligament tear, is a knee injury that can impact your daily activities and athletic pursuits.

ACL Tears

An ACL tear, or anterior cruciate ligament tear, is a knee injury that can impact your daily activities and athletic pursuits.
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Meniscus Tears

A meniscus tear, a condition that affects the cartilage safeguarding the ends of your leg bones, can occur due to improper twisting, hyperextension, or age-related degeneration

Meniscus Tears

A meniscus tear, a condition that affects the cartilage safeguarding the ends of your leg bones, can occur due to improper twisting, hyperextension, or age-related degeneration
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