ACL Repair / ACL Reconstruction

What is ACL Repair / ACL Reconstruction?

Explore ACL Reconstruction with Top New Jersey Knee Surgeon

The intricate network of tissues in your knee includes two crucial components: the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) and the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). These pivotal ligaments uphold knee stability and enable multi-directional movement. When one of these ligaments suffers a tear, surgical intervention is often required to facilitate proper healing.

Understanding ACL Reconstruction

Dr. Babatunde and his skilled team are equipped to manage various ligament injuries using cutting-edge methodologies. The ACL reconstruction process unfolds as follows:
  • Your surgeon harvests healthy tissues from other body areas to aid in ligament reconstruction.
  • These robust tissues are skillfully transplanted onto the torn ligament.
  • We meticulously address any additional ligament concerns, including prior unsuccessful reconstruction attempts conducted by different surgeons.

Benefits of ACL Reconstruction Top New Jersey Knee Surgeon

Opting for ACL reconstruction with Dr. Babatunde offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Knee Pain Alleviation
  • Restored Knee Functionality and Range of Motion
  • Regained Ability to Engage in Beloved Sports and Activities
  • Dedicated and Compassionate Surgeons
  • Evidence-Based Orthopedic Approaches
  • Procedures Conducted at Top-Notch Orthopedic Facilities Nationwide

Trust our orthopedic specialists for comprehensive ACL reconstruction and a holistic approach to knee care. Your well-being and swift recovery are our top priorities.

Why Opt for ACL Reconstruction?

ACL reconstruction is a pivotal solution employed to mend a compromised ACL ligament, which may sustain damage due to:

  • Swift directional changes, particularly during high-speed running
  • Sudden twisting of the leg or knee
  • Falls resulting in direct knee impact

Similar surgical techniques are available to address less frequent knee ligament injuries, encompassing the following:

  • Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL)
  • Lateral collateral ligament (LCL)
  • Medial collateral ligament (MCL)


Are You a Candidate for Partial Knee Resurfacing?

Ideal candidates for partial knee replacement have arthritis limited to a single knee compartment and generally maintain a healthy weight. This procedure is not suitable for patients with significant knee stiffness or angular deformities. Intact knee ligaments are usually required for a successful outcome. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis are typically not considered for partial knee solutions, as this form of arthritis typically affects the entire joint.

ACL Repair / ACL Reconstruction NJ

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